In the days
long before refrigeration, one way of keeping meat for a prolonged period was
to bake it in a pie – a particular sort of pie that could be kept as long as “a
twelvemonth” and was especially useful for provisioning long voyages and so on.
It strikes horror into our hearts today, to think of a pie being kept without
refrigeration for a year before being eaten, but it was an everyday practice
for centuries, and most consumers presumably survived. One of the features of
pies intended for long keeping was that they had an extremely thick, hard,
rye-flour pastry shell which, if it was properly sealed and did not become damp
or cracked, functioned as an air-tight container. The recipe below describes
the process of making such a pie in some detail. It is from a book I have used
as a source several times in the last week - Thomas Dawson’s A Booke of Cookerie. And the order of Meates
to bee served to the Table … (1620.)
To make a pye to keep long
First perboyle your flesh
and presse it, and when it is pressed, season it with Pepper and salt wile it
is hot, then larde it, make your paste of Rie flower, it must be very thick or
else it will not holde, wen it is seasoned and larded, lay it in your Pye, then
cast on it before you close it a good deale of Cloves and Mace beaten small,
and throw upon that a good deale of Butter, and so close it up, you must leave
a hole in the top of the lid, and when it hath stood two houres in the Oven you
must fill it as full of Vineger as you can, then stop the hole as close as you
can with paste, and then set it into the Oven again, your Oven must be very
hote as at first, and then your Pyes will keepe a great while, the longer you
keepe them, the better they will bee: when they be taken out of the Oven and
almost cold, you must shake them betweene your hands, and set them with the
bottome upward, and when you set them into the Oven, take great heede that one
pye touch not another by more then one hand bredth: Remember also to let them
stand in the Oven after the Vineger be in two houres and more.
And kids today won't even eat fresh veggies. Let's try giving them a year old meat pie:)