Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Twenty Uses Of The Lemon.

Some little time ago I did a week’s worth of posts on the ‘Invaluable Lemon.’ The subject is without doubt, inexhaustible. Today I give you a lovely list of household and beauty and cooking hints using the lemon, from the Twentieth Century Cook Book (1914), by the Twentieth Century Club of Berkeley.


Few people realize the value of lemons, which cannot be overestimated. In cases of fever, sore throat or torpid liver the medicinal qualities are unexcelled.

1. Two or three slices of lemon in a cup of hot, strong tea will cure a nervous headache.
2. A teaspoon of lemon juice in a cup of black coffee will relieve a bilious headache.
3. The juice of half a lemon in a cup of hot water on awakening in the morning is an excellent liver corrective and successful substitute for calomel and other alterative drugs.
4. A dash of lemon juice in plain water makes a cleansing tooth wash, not only removing the tartar, but sweetening the breath.
5. A lotion of lemon juice and rose water will remove tan and whiten the skin.
6. Lemon juice with olive oil is far superior to vinegar for salad dressing equal parts used for blending.
7. Lemon juice and loaf sugar is good for hoarseness.
8. Outward applications of the juice allays irritation caused by insect bites.
9. A refreshing drink is made by adding a freshly beaten egg to lemonade, and
10. The same mixture when frozen makes a delicious ice.
11. If when boiling sago or rice a teaspoon of lemon juice is added the kernels will be whiter and a delicate flavor is added.
12. An old fashioned remedy for croup is lemon juice, honey and alum.
13. We all know the value of lemon juice and salt for removing rust stains from white goods.
14. After the juice is extracted the rind dipped in salt cleanses brass beautifully and conveniently.
15. It also removes unsightly stains from the hands.
16. For flavoring cookery lemon juice is unexcelled.
17. After the pulp is removed the skins make dainty receptacles for serving salads, ices, etc.
18. Tough meat can be made tender by adding a teaspoon of lemon juice to the water in which it is boiled.
19. Slices of lemon garnish fish of all description.
20. Tea is greatly improved by the addition of a slice of lemon, either iced for summer's use or as Russian tea on a cold winter day.

In buying lemons select those having a thin, dry rind. They are cheaper and are much jucier than the fresh, plump ones.
Mrs. J. J. O'C.

The recipe for the day is from the book – a rather unusual ‘jam’ or conserve, which of course includes a lemon.

Grape Conserve.
Four pounds Malaga grapes, 1 pound raisins (seeded), 4 cups sugar, 1 lemon, 3 oranges, 1 cup English walnuts. First take the seeds out of the grapes. Use only the juice and pulp of the oranges. Use the juice and grated rind of the lemon. Cook all except sugar and nuts for ½ hour. Then add sugar. Cook
until thick. Then add the chopped nuts. Pour into jelly glasses.
E. C.

Poem for the Day.

Good-morrow, dear lady,
Wherever you are,
I come to greet you
From near and from far.

If you carefully study
The rules in this book,
You will surely make
A most famous cook.

To you each has given
The best in her store,
Cakes, puddings, and pies
You will find them galore.

And when preparing
Your food for the day,
Do not neglect this
Caution I pray:

Add a cupful of love,
And a spoonful of spice,
And lo! you have
A spread for a king in a trice.
Twentieth Century Cook Book (1914)

Quotation for the Day.

Most families enjoy new dishes, and even though the head of the house may make fun of a new dish, or of one that is not common on your table, he usually eats it (if it is goo
Twentieth Century Cook Book (1914)


  1. I've tried #1 many-many times, and it does work perfectly!

  2. I had heard of vinegar for bug-bites, so lemon juice makes sense. But lemon juice in coffee?!!?

  3. LOL, "torpid liver"! I honestly have no idea what condition that might be. However, when I was a kid in the 80's Wendy's, a fast food chain, had these tables patterned with faux news ads from the Victorian era. I used to insist on finding a table with the "Torpid Liver?" ad.

    I'm glad to know that a little lemon juice and warm water will take care of that!

  4. I guess one would need to be able to distinguish between one's nrevous and bilous headaches, in order to apply these ideas. I dont know about the torpid liver either, Rachaol, but I hope I havent got one!
