Thursday, January 06, 2011

Choosing a Pudding.

Regular readers will know that I have a particular fondness for books that provide a recipe or menu for every day of the year. I don’t believe I have used Puddings & sweets, 365 receipts (London, 1877) previously, so I assumed that would allow me to indulge my interest in ‘calendar’ recipe books, keep me on the dessert theme for the week, and give me an easy post while I am on holiday.
As it turns out, there are indeed 365 receipts in the book, but they are given alphabetically – the author has not pre-selected one for each specific day of the year. So, I cannot give you the pudding for January 6, but am forced to make my selection by my other favourite system – the intriguing-name method. I hope you like my choices.

Bole Comadree Pudding.

Extract a cupful of milk from two cocoa-nuts, and set it aside; make a syrup of half a pound of sugar; mix into it half a pound of finely sifted rice flour; fry with the yolk of an egg the scrapings of the cocoa-nuts ; add half a pound of treacle and a few grains of aniseed; then mix the whole together; when the oven is well heated pour the mixture into a well buttered dish and bake until set.

Don Juan Pudding.
Blanch and pound up a pound of sweet almonds with a dessert-spoonful of rose water; then add the yolks and whites of six eggs. Beat all together well for half-an-hour; pour the mixture into a rich paste, and bake in a moderate oven.

Ostrich Omelette.
Well beat up an ostrich egg*. Warm some fat in a pan, and pour the egg in; when done on one side turn it over and cook the other side. Let it rise well, and be a nice light brown.

*the author gives no advice as to sourcing an ostrich egg in Britain.


  1. Ostrich Eggs.
    Well Harrods would source them, no doubt!

  2. Those are indeed intriguing choices! I'm enjoying your blog, and look forward to reading it ALL! Happy New Year!

  3. Bole Comadree -- sounds like the villain in a 19th century novel.

    "Curse you, Bole Comadree! Y'all will nevah, evah get youah hands on mah land!" she sobbed....

  4. I am going to make that Don Juan Pudding. I love almonds and this sounds wonderful! Will, however, probably NOT blend for a full half hour -- will probably use my mixer and suffer the gods to rain down upon me... thank you so much!... Enjoy your vacation...
